Sunday, September 19, 2010

Sunday :)

Sunday Stats
Current Mood: Exhuasted
Goal: To spend less money eating out... planning on bringing my lunch to work three times this week
Weekly Wisdom: Sometimes, despite what our heart wants, we must be smart and choose the "right" thing...

Last weekend I went to Palm Springs... it was pretty fun!  Here is the recap: hiking is NOT as bad as I once thought (I would actually be down to do it again!), I am not capable of cleaning up someone else's puke (Thank-you Michael), and being a girl rocks! (3 girls, 34 drinks, bill = $10)

So, on the way home from Palm Springs, my girlfriends and I witnessed a pretty bad car accident.  We were probably a quarter mile away from this car when it slammed into the center divider on the freeway.  Of course, we freaked out, pulled over in front of the accident, and called 911.  The first fire truck on the scene happened to be a truck that was transporting prisoners who clean up the side of the freeway!  Haha!  Of course it was.  There we were, 3 girls, literally just chilling in the middle of the freeway, being whistled at and oggled by prisoners.  It would only happen to us.  What makes me a little sad is that we were the only people who stopped to try and help this man in the car accident.  3 20-something-year-old women were the only ones who had the time to stop?  That's just sad.

I did some lunges on Friday while @ the gym... haven't done those in a while... WOW my ass hurt yesterday!  Then, to add insult to injury, I went to the gym yesterday and did stairs for 30 min... needless to say, I am quite sore this morning!!  Haha!

K, it's been real... Off to have lunch with the bro!  Peace!

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