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Wasn't Houdini a BEAST?! |
Today Google told me that it is Harry Houdini's 137th birthday. Wow. Thanks Google. I might be able to sleep tonight. My life is complete now that I know that.
My professor is an idiot. And rude. Let me give you an example of how our conversation went last night:
Professor: Allison, I was actually quite impressed with your writing.
Me: Thanks.
Professor: Yea, having met you, I was shocked that you such talent, such ability!
Me: Ahhh... what does that mean?!
Professor: Oh... ummm... well... uhhhh... what I meant was that, uhhh...
(blank stare from me.)
Professor: I mean... oh! You said this was your first grad class... and so, well, ummm, this is impressive. Yea.
Me: Geeeeeeee... thanks.
Me (inside my head): Why didn't you just say "Allison, you're not as dumb as you look!"
Let's see... what else has happened lately...?
Well, my dad was in the hospital for a week... he had to have an emergency operation to get some nastiness and infection out of his intestines. Ew. I went to go visit him on Saturday... and was hit on by his male nurse :/
Dad: Jack, this is one of my daughters, Allison
Jack: Wow! John... your daughter is beautiful!
(Me, awkwardly standing there while they talk about me as if I weren't in the room)
Dad: Yea... I think so too! She's just great!
Me: Thanks.
Jack: Yea. Really.
Me: Hey, Jack...
Jack: Yes???
Me: Do you think you could pay attention to the IV you are changing...? That would be great.
(I actually don't think his name was Jack... but I have no idea what it was, and I've been Watching LOST for the past month- so Jack was a good substitute name.)
I honestly think that people don't think before they speak. There is this thing called "tact." Apparently you are either born with it, or not. You can't learn it. Sucks.
Anyway... on a more positive note... my birthday is tomorrow. When I was in high school I used to have like a 30-day countdown to the big day. It's not nearly as exciting anymore. I guess that means I'm getting old. Ew.